TMJ Services
BOOK APPOINTMENTYour treatment for TMJ may include one or more of the following:
When one or more teeth are missing, other teeth shift in the mouth, altering your bite and how your lower teeth and upper teeth fit together. As a result, the joint is altered and becomes unbalanced.
The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is an important part of your facial anatomy, where the skull meets the jawbone. It is a complex joint that allows the jaw to move in three dimensions
Crowns, bridges, and/or orthodontic treatment may be needed to adjust how your upper and lower teeth come together. If your teeth do not come together properly when your mouth is closed or when you chew, the joint can’t function properly.
An orthotic appliance is custom designed for each patient to keep a person from clenching their teeth. Clenching causes muscle tension and stress on the joint. An orthotic appliance can also be designed to move the jaw and muscles into their correct position.
These are used to reduce swelling, relax the muscles, and relieve discomfort.
We may teach you a series of exercises that you can do to help relieve some of your symptoms, if not all of your symptoms.
Surgery is reserved for extreme cases of a TMJ disorder and is usually only recommended as a last resort when all other treatment options have failed or when surgery is the only option available to correct the disorder.
Neuromuscular dentistry refers to techniques used to move the jaw, muscle tissue, soft tissue, and fatty tissue of the face and joint back into their correct position, relieving symptoms and correcting TMJ disorders.
Other forms of treatment include the use of massage therapy to relieve stress and loosen tight muscles. Relaxation therapy and lifestyle changes may also be recommended. Treatment can also include the breaking of habits such as excessive gum chewing, nail biting, or biting on a pen that lead to the development of TMJ disorders.
Our Blogs
Do You Have Trouble Opening and Closing Your Mouth? You May Have TMJ Disorder
Back to BlogsYour lower jaw is connected to your upper jaw and skull by hinges on both sides (known as the temporomandibular joint or TMJ), which you can feel if you put your fingers in front of your earlobes and open and close your mouth. If you have trouble even...
Pain or Clicking of the Jaw’s Hinges Needs to Be Treated by Your Dentist
Back to BlogsUp to 15% of American adults (most aged 20-40) suffer from the dislocation of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), which connect the lower jaw to the each side of the skull. You can feel these move by holding your fingers just in front of the lower...
Feel Sore Around Your Jaw, Face, and Neck? You May Have TMJ Disorder
Back to BlogsFeel Sore Around Your Jaw, Face, and Neck? You May Have TMJ Disorder The temporomandibular joint (aka TMJ) connects the lower jaw to the skull and the hinges can be felt ifyou put your fingers just in front of the lower earlobes and open and close your...
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Mon - Fri: 8am – 6pm
Sat - Sun: Closed